Kidney stones re-occur even after being removed [surgically or naturally]. So the best way to avoid going through a painful passing of the stone is to prevent its formation on a regular basis. Few tips that I would like to mention should be incorporated into your daily life especially if you have already had an episode of kidney stones.
- never forget to drink water to stay hydrated
- have barley water throughout 1 day every week
- have tulsi / neem tea [1 cup water boiled with 5-6 tulsi or neem leaves] in the evening. You may dry roast ripe neem leaves in an iron container and store the ash in a glass bottle 1/4th spoon of which can be consumed with 1 teaspoon of honey. Donot consume anything for an hour after this.
- be very careful in case of urine infection which may be due to expelling of small size stones –during such periods have a glass of water with a teaspoon of Cital [medicine available in the pharmacy]
- Keep your weight under control
- Walk or run or just jog at a spot if health permits
- Do not be in the sun to prevent dehydration which doesn’t allow the stones to be flushed out by the kidneys
- Reduce salt
- Have adequate Calcium and Vitamin D levels
- Speak to your doctor regarding stone forming foods that maybe avoided
There are few more tips that I found on the net which may be tried as it does not have any side effects.
- if the kidneys are feeling painful an iron foil may be worn as a ring around the middle finger of the right hand
press for 2 mins and release the area 1 inch above the centre of both the palms before meals.
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